Monday, September 21, 2009

A super womans Kryptonite

All super women have one two things in common. The first is the source from which they gain their strength. No matter how old,young, wise,unlearned, wealthy or poor, with or with out children we all gain our strength from having a sure knowledge of our true identity as daughters of God. This divine heritage is the same for each of us. Our father in Heaven is the only source to which we can turn for that real, no matter what happens- you can make it through it, kind of strength.The second thing we have in common is the one I want to focus on today.

Kryptonite was the colored gem that removed all of supermans powers from him when we was any where near it. Even a small portion of this dangerous substance could debilitate him and render him usless as a person and super hero. We also have a kryptonite, but ours is not some magical gem our is called:

P R I D E.

The scripture give us countless examples of pride and the crippling effect it has on people as individuals and even on entire civilizations, like the people who built the tower of Babel.
One of my favorite stories of Pride taking down some one I learned in a late night institute class, its in the New Testament. The Acts chapter 12:21-24. Herod Is mad with some men for Letting Peter get out of prison ( never mind that Peter was freed by and Angel of God! lol) so these men needed to make Herod happy so they had a large celebration. At this event, Herod gave a speech and when he was finished the people praised Herod and said:

" it is the voice of God, and not of man".

Herod apparently really liked the people saying this because imediatly an angel of the Lord

"smote him, becuase he gave not God the glory:and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost. (24) but the word of God grew and multiplied."

WOW, Herod was so consumed by his pride that the Lord took him out. It must be a serious sin to not understand where our true place in life and to elevate our self to more then we are. One of my favorite saying was one from a dear friend she said " always remember when you breath in that you depend on the Lord for every thing even the air, and when you breath out that you depend on him to breath in again." Ending Herods prideful life didn't seem to hurt the Lords plan either as is noted in vrs.24. because when some one is full of pride they are useless to the Lord.
As a super woman, pride is a most dangerous thing. when we let it seep into the cracks of our crazy life, we begin to careless about the things of the Lord and more about the things of the World. Our super powers are gone, as we are told in D&C 121:37:

"....but when we undertake to cover our sins, or to gratify our pride, our vain any degree of unrighteousness, behold, the heavens withdraw themselves; the spirit of the Lord is grevied;..."

with out the Lords spirit in our life's we have to depend solely on our own natural man self, which we know is an "enemy to God". Just like Kryptonite, even a small amount of pride removes all our strength. As human we have flaws that change us make us thing differently, yesterday I refered to them as my enimes, but none of them are as debilitating as pride that's why it is our kryptonite. Be careful. That's what we must always remember with pride. Be sure of who you are! As you learn that, you realize you are nothing, nothing with out a merciful God.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this was incredible. Thank you Boo! All i could do was read and agree 1,000% and set a goal to focus on this tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day after that... Are you just getting these thoughts from your inner self, or are you following a guide.. because really impressive!
