Thursday, September 24, 2009

A few qualities a super woman should have....

So First I have to write an apology. Can, I lied to you. I told you these Ideas were straight from my head. But after I hung up the phone from you I realized that I was no better then Herod at that moment. stinkin' pride, it got me yet again. I must admit that while I have no "pattern" I am following, these Ideas seem to just appear in my brain. My whole life I have had experiences like this, mostly concerning how to deal with my three angels. But this whole "super woman, you can do it" thing has felt very natural. My brain thinks about them all day and thoughts just appear out of no where. I had hoped in writing it down I might be able to work through my ideas in a safe way with some one I trusted giving me advice. then perhaps I can find a way to share them with those who might need some uplifting encouragement.
But I know that not all these ideas are coming straight from me. I feel divinely guided which the reason I feel Motivated enough about this subject to move forward with it some how. I apologize to you for taking credit for ideas that I feel are coming from a divine source.

Now on to todays subject:

Qualities of a super woman.

It occurred to me that I am ready to stop talking about why we are super and start actually BEING super. But if I want to know how to become super I probably need to list some qualities that I have seen create super woman. In my life I have been priviledged to know true super moms who have dedicated there life to all things good and right. They are not just an out side shell of a beautiful car, they are the big engine, nice interior and stereo to boot. they are what you look at and say " maybe someday I will be like ________." Now when I wrote that infamous ( to me) blog about what to do to make my life more effective, some one commented and said " if it seems to good to be true, it is, you just don't know what their lifes are really like." Well let me say I understand that saying, and I only HALF agree.

As a teenager I looked to those who were older and thought they were perfect, they were smart and beautiful and spiritual, they were my version of perfect. At some point you come to realize however, that no one is truly perfect and unfortunately, after time, you learn that the person you talk to when you are in public and the way they are when no one is watching are like two different people. so often we march around is if a mask were on our face, acting like something we are not. The best thing I have learned from the super woman I know is that, you have to be comfortable being you, just you, ALL the time. The only way to do this is to have that inner peace that you are doing every thing you CAN do to act as the Lord has asked of you in your life. Now notice I did not say you were perfect, I just said you weere doing your very best to do all you could. see this is a mistake we often make. no body perfect, we just need to all admit that right now, but what you do with the flaws you have is what creates a perfect person.

So what do you do with those flaws? well as I see it there are three options:

1. give into them.

" I just am a messy person and everybody around me is just going to have to deal with it."
" lose me temper, so what? I have tried to control it but its just one of those things I guess I can't fix."

2. Perfect them RIGHT NOW or deny they are there.

"what are you talking about? I read my scriptures every day"
" I just can't move on until I figure this out becuase until I get this fixed I can't be happy."
" OH, I would NEVER do ________"

3. accept we have flaws, work on a few actively,especially if they are ones that require the assistance of a priesthood leader, don't wait to correct those ones. But it is important to realize that as we look to the Lord and work toward perfecting the qualities he has asked us to " faith, hope, charity and love" ( D&C 4:5)
that some if not all of our flaws will self correct with time, diligence, and repentance.

You see the first two options are dangerous because they create a judgmental flawed person, these ways of thinking are not healthy for our self esteem. Not to mention Giving into a flaw is a sin in its self. The Lord made his children for a divine purpose, to give into a flaw is a denial of who you truly are. Its like saying, "Yes, you have told me I am great and can do anything If I follow you, But I don't believe you." Denial of a problem will never fix it, it's only a lie to the worst two people possible, your self and your Lord. Trying to perfect on the spot will only lead to disappointment and frustrations, let me say this though, to ell you self each time something like: " WOW! I burned those cookies really bad! Looks like next batch will be a great opportunity to learn how to improve my cooking skills." Now this is admitting the problem working on it on the spot but not expecting total perfect, allowing you to learn perfection.

O.k So after that little tangent, let me share my list of qualities:

1. The first thing a super woman must have is a sense of spiritual strength about her. She is armed with the Armour of God. She prays, she knows her Father in Heaven and she loves him. She reads the sacred books which she in privileged to have in her home. Books that many Prophets handed down to each other, guarding them, carefully writing the most important things in them, knowing that she is blessed in a time to have access to them whenever she chooses.

2. This woman Loves her family and all those around her. You see it in the way she tucks her daughter hair behind her ear, or the love in her voice as she describes he husband. The Gentle way she speaks when her children are mis behaving. The way she reaches out to those around her where ever she goes, even in the smile she gives to every one around her. Her view of her family is eternal. She looks to the Lord in all occasions asking for guidance. She has an understanding that Her actions now, effect there future forever.

3. She is their protector from all things evil, and yet she teaches them of the world, allowing them to experience things when and where it is safest for them so they can see how life works which allows them to be properly armed when the time comes for them to fight their own battles.

4. She is organized. She understand a home of chaos, is a home with frustrations. A house of Order is a house of love and prayer. She can see that her sacrifice of time and beautiful hands are a worthy offering, showing her love and dedication to her family.

5. She teaches always. Perhaps her title could be "teacher-mother" ( thank you sister Kathleen wilson) in each instance of life she is looking to teach her children, for that is her most important responsibility of all. when her children are hurt, she teaches, when her children show love she teaches, as her children cross the street, or bend to see see a row of ants, or speak with people around them, she teaches. She does this in words and example.

6. She is proactive not re-active. Instead of letting life come at her she takes the reigns and lead life. When she sees her spouse start to struggle, she prays, and works on helping him. If she can see her son becoming upset with something, she works through it with him, using the moment to teach. she plans things, fun and worth while. This mind set allows a peaceful home. Most parents wait to react, even when they can see something coming, instead of thinking about it and looking for solutions, they take it head on and just deal with itin the moment. These times do not become situation of growth for them or their children, they simple become, "that one time when..." My good friend taught me that Instead of being a lazy parent and yelling from across the room to do something, If I would get up, walk over and speak the the child kindly the child would react kindly to, I must admit this works 99% of the time, the 1 % it doesn't is my child excising their free agency. lol.

7. she has boundaries for her children, she loves them to much to over indulge them in any way, whether its with food, chores, boyfriends, cell phones, bad attitudes, a mother sets limits lovingly and expects her children to respect them.

8. She is always learning. She shows her children she understand how important it is to read, to learn. she uses her knowledge in her daily life, to help with school work, spouse work problems, and to create a better life for her family.

9. She does not procrastinate, when things come her way she gets them done, so that she doesn't have to have the feeling that she is always playing "catch up" or " just barley keeping her head above water" one of the things I have notices is the super women I know only watch a little bit of T.V I suppose its becuase in order to be super they don't have time to be lazy very often.

10. A super woman is aware that she can not do EVERYTHING so she is very careful about the things she commits her and her family to. only choosing the very best for her family and the precious time they have together.

11. She takes care of her self. Maybe she is not the hippest gal on the block, but she respects her self enough to be well groomed, to sleep an appropriate amount of time, and eat some sort of decent diet. She wants to take care of her self so she can be healthy and strong allowing her to live the highest quality of life possible. she does not run her self into the ground, at times she may have to say no, even if that means her child can not be a super star every day of the year. She helps her children to learn to respect her and their father when she respects her self.

O.k these are a few of them, I am sure the list could go on. I realize I just described a perfect person. please realize that in the journey to become super woman I am not expecting any one to become perfect. But I know a few woman who embody almost all of these qualities, and its because they Put the Lord number one. They are woman who you feel their love for you emanating from their very center, its like feeling a warm glow when you are around them. they are the choicest of God daughters, you can feel it. I believe each of us have this same potential. Its just about setting priorities and working with worthy goals. These goals are nothing like the worlds. in fact as I Begin this journey I fully expect my world to change. But I know in the Long run Any hard ships I endure will be in sake of a better higher cause, for my family and my self. so .......where to start? lol

1 comment:

  1. First Of All, I accept the apology :) Second of all I LOVED the be pro-active not re-active.. I think this may make a spot on my fridge thsi week.
