Sunday, August 28, 2011

time for a change....

I have been struggling!! I mean struggling, to fix every day meals for a while now. since we just moved I relied heavily on store bough carls jr. and the few quick Gluten free, dairy free, egg free...EVERYTHING FREE meals I knew.....well we are settled and the battle has begun again.
I get so frustrated searching the Internet and never finding a recipe that I can just make.OR IF I find one, it has so many ingredients and some of them expensive ones, that I feel overwhelmed by complexity and cost.
So week after week I scour the Internet, looking for yummy, family friendly foods....which also happen to be Gluten free, dairy free and egg free, all the while getting overwhelmed and stressed.
well growing up I was taught if you have a problem- fix it! so my solution is this. I am going to start blogging what we eat and how my family likes it with a recipe included. After I get a good amount going, I will make this blog more public so others who are struggling can find recipes to..but for now, I am just going to build my recipe box. So here goes nothing. Maybe I will help someone, maybe I will only help myself, its all in the journey baby!