Friday, September 25, 2009

first day of the journey to becomeing better....

Its 8:08 in the A.M and even though my morning is usually in full swing by now, today feels different somehow. I think I am anxious to get this project underway! So I decided since the first two Qualities on the list are ( in my mind) the most important I can start working on them. so they are this:

1. Has a sense of spiritual strength about her

to accomplish this one I am going to study my scriptures this morning and tonight both in stead of just once a day. I am lucky to have learned some incredible study habits so I will be using those techniques to get the most out of my time. Also prayer is essential when actively learning to be close to Heavenly Father. So prayers won't be missed. I will continue this until these thing become habit and I don't have to actively think about them I just do them naturally.

2. Has a great love for her family and those around her, you can see this in the way she talks and acts.

This one is the one I am going to have to think about all day. I think to get this to be a stronger part of my life I need to be looking for ways to show love for my family and Friends, and even those I run into wherever I go. Its strange to say, but I think the hardest place to do that is at home. While I love my family, sometimes I just assume they know it. So I don't go out of my way to do extra special things for them. I am going to pick one person a day I want to focus on and see how that goes for a week and then re-evaluate my progress. I also am going to work really hard on the way I speak with my husband and children. Soft tones, Kindness and an open heart are a essential to changing the feeling in my home.

the week will go like this:
Sat- o
Mon- J.S
Wed- O
Fri- J.S

I will keep you updated day to day how this goes. I know I am going to need help from I higher source because the whole point of being a superwoman is this: becoming a person who is more then their natural self. Today I am starting with making my home feel the way I want it to by working from me out. I am going to have to change some bad and lazy habits I have acquired, it will be interesting to see how this journey unfolds. I can't wait!!

1 comment:

  1. I started making a sheet like this for myself (not even kidding) to realize I can only put one person on it, so even though it remotely I am going to try and extend out of my immediate to extended family.
