Wednesday, November 3, 2010

so many things I wasn't aware of.

Last night I was up with a friend until 12;30 in the was late and I was tired...BUT I went to bed feeling grateful for so many things I didn't realize were blessings. My friend and I have shared a lot of similar hardships..the difference was the out come. while hers have been long and drawn out and she has been undermind and under supported, mine have changed my relationship with heavenly father, and my husband...Mike has stood by me and supported me in way I didn't even realize were amazing..but seeing some one else go through the same junk with out a amazing husband, wow my life could be so much harder right now. Where my chanellenges have grown me hers have hardened her, not because shes not a amazing person, but because when you are drowning and no one is hearing you, then you start fighting any way you can and it can get SO SO hard. anyway, I am grateful becuase she opened my eyes ( with out knowing it) to many times in my life where the Lord has taken over and changed everything, and I have been the direct benefit of it all..

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